Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Disenfranchisement at the Polls!

Today is voting day. I myself voted twice because I am very enthusiastic about politics. Some people, however, are not so lucky. This patriotic gentleman is named Justin, and today he suffered a little something called disenfranchisement.
Do you see how one of the "America"s is covering his mouth? That actually happened by accident while I was hastily editing this photo in a haze of opium smoke and grain alcohol, but it still acts as a poignant symbol of the fact that Justin's voice was silenced by the uncaring bureaucracy of the American polling system. While I enthusiastically cast both of my votes for write-in candidate H. Ross Perot, Justin was told that he "wasn't on the list". Pfffffffft! If you don't think this has something to do with the color of his skin, you are living in a fantasy world! The powers that be claimed that Justin "wasn't registered in Lenox". Classic election fraud rhetoric.

Normally I would point at Justin and laugh while making a jerk-off gesture with my other hand, but this is a particularly important election and America has never before been so divided (at least since the last one). Depending on which candidate ends up in office, this country could steer in one of two very different directions.

These people are conservatives. They want to arm your children with semi-automatic weapons, but they don't want you to have an abortion. What they don't realize is that killing a 20 year old is just like aborting a fetus in the 83rd trimester. At this stage of development the fetus not only has fully formed fingers and eyes, but also often has a job and a fake ID.
The family that preys together stays together.

This man is a liberal. He wants to freedom to both fish for trout and expose his semi-erect penis.
"Keep your laws off of my wiener, MR. POLITICIAN!"

That's pretty much it. Republicans = semi-automatic weapons. Democrats = Semi-erect flesh swords. The rest is just a bunch of "you betcha" this and "terrorist" that. But despite the fact that that it's all one big shitshow drenched in fraud and deceit, it's very important that you cast your vote, if for no other reason that to speak up on behalf of those robbed of their voices.

Justin and all other disenfranchised voters, this beer is for you!

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